12 Aug 2012


After doing the photography project and magazine project, I think the color of blue is going to be my personal symbol.  In other words, the blue oil color is like my personal logo.  Then I did my final project ‘Brutality’, about ‘the value of discarded things’. This project tries to evolve, surprise and question the audience and the art world in this commercial society. To a large extent this project is about examining concepts of “value” in our culture and re-investing discarded, old, vintage things with meaning and use.   I’m trying to point viewers’ attention to specific objects and events in life that risk being overlooked as being too quotidian or too common.  I also think art making is less about the invention or construction of new things, but more about the close paying attention to existing things.  The abandoned things made by any human beings have witnessed the pass of time.  Giving these wasted old things a new life is a kind of return, as well as a kind of expectation to the nice time of the future. 

Using normal materials to make a creation is not a new concept, but the reasonable application could make it outstanding at the aspects of innovation and quality.  In the final show I will set up a shop named ‘Brutality’ to sale these ‘redesigned products’ and randomly price them with very high price.  On the other hand, the shop will sell these things from 10% OFF to 100% OFF during the 9-day of final show in order to show the life-cycle of the product or the artwork.  And meanwhile, it will make viewers think about that what is the real value of packaged products and how do we value things.

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