13 Jul 2012

Martin Creed at SKETCH

Martin Creed is one of the foremost contemporary artists in the UK today. Based in London, Creed is internationally acclaimed for working across a multitude of disciplines including installation, sculpture, music, dance and film. Popularly known in the UK for his Turner prize winning presentation of Work No. 227, The lights going on and off, he has had numerous solo museum and institutional exhibitions as well as work commissioned for the public realm including Work No. 1197, All the bells in a country rung as quickly and as loudly as possible for three minutes, which will mark the start of the 2012 Olympic season.

Martin, sketch this…
In the first of a new long-term programme of artist-conceived restaurants, Turner-prize winning artist Martin Creed presents a series of functional and decorative works, creating an environment that is at once an exhibition, an artwork and a restaurant at sketch. Exemplary of the logical and welcoming systems that recur throughout his work, the floor, walls and furniture take the form of new artworks inspired by the boundaries of art and functionality.

Work No. 1347 consists of 96 different types of marble, in a formation of zigzagging lines across the floor, while Work No. 1343 is a new work specially made for the restaurant in which every single piece of cutlery, glassware, lamp, chair and table is different. This work brings together a mix of the mass produced and hand-crafted, from classic antiques to contemporary design from around the world. Four different wall drawings are overlaid by 18 paintings by Creed, including the series of four canvases Work No. 1100 (2011). 

Martin Creed at SKETCH (W1S 2XG) http://rrurl.cn/vlNEc4 设计的奢华 地板由96种不同种类的大理石锯齿线形铺列,里面的任何一餐具 玻璃器皿 灯 椅子和桌子都是不一样的 各种mass produced、hand-crafted、classic antiques、contemporary design 墙上还有18副他的绘画作品 赏心悦目

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